Me, mYsElF, aNd, I!! = )

HeYyYyY!!!! wAtZ Up!! Ma nAme iS ImAnI!(-E-Mon-E) aNd i LoVe eVeRy1 In dA wOrLd! YeA, MaYbE A LoT oF pPl HaTE me bUt i COuLd cArE lEsS Ya kNoW!! I DoNt CaRe WhaT PpL THiNk AbOuT mE! BuT i KnoW THaT i aM cOoL, sMaRt, aNd ToTaLlY awEsOmE!!!!!! wELl gOtTa gO EaT,,,, sOoOoo pEaCe PeOpLe! IlL PuBlIsH AnOThEr pArAfRapH l8TeR!! mmKAy!! ByE HaTerZ!! AnD FRiIeNdS!! YeA BoIiIIiI!!!!!!!!! Ya DiGg!!??

Hey People!!

HEyYy pEoPlE! wAtZ Up? WeLL i hOpE tHaT yA LikE mY sItE! wElL RiGHt nOw I aM DoInG MoStLy nOthInG! aNd i Am NoT PuTtIng pICs oN HURr B/C iDk i jUsT doNt WaNNa! AnD If ThAtZ A PrObLeM,,, i dOnT gIvE A CrAp! HaHa! AnyWaYz, ThE oTheR pArAgRaPh wIlL be aBoUt jEaLoS PeOpLe bUt iM Not mEnTiOnInG ANy nAmES (kAyLA rAmIrEz) Um aNyWayZ HaTeRz rEaD tHe nExT PaRaGraPh YOO!! WeLl lEmMmE sTaRt iT nOw sO THaT I CaN Go GeT IcE CrEAM WhEn i aM DoNe!! YuMmMmm!! lOl!!! PeAcE pEoPle!! YaA DiGgG???!!!

Ughh Jealous People...

Ok, Now we all know that we jealous people are wanting to be what you are! So, soooooooooo many people are jealous of everyone! But Lemme tell ya that people taht are jealous just want attention! So,  when people need attention,they are jealous.OOO there goez a fudgy buddy!! Haha! Hold on...7 miutes l8ter...Ok so I was talking about oh right jealousy., Well, jealousy burns up a lot of energy, and you can so tell when some1 is jealous of you! When they just start talking about you out of no where! Ugghh! Im just going to say the names!! Amber and Kayla! They are so jealous of me! Amber thinks she is so cute when she surely is NOT! And Kayla thinks I'm jealous of her, but what could I be jealous of? UGLINESS??No that is just not me! I wont and never will be jealous of NO ONE! Nobody's Perfect, Im as close as it gets! And you can love me or hate me, but either way ur thinking of me : ]!!! Well, BYE?? Ok I am going to make a new page! Thankx Bye??

Ya DIggGg???????